Financial & Management Accounting
- Annual statutory/ASX reporting
- Half yearly statutory/ASX reporting
- Quarterly ASX reporting for exploration companies
- Quarterly/monthly management reporting/Board packs & presentations
- Group consolidations including foreign subsidiaries and multiple currencies
- Financial analysis & interpretation
- Business analytics using MS Power BI to generate reports and dashboards
- Preparation of annual budgets, revised budgets, rolling forecasts
- Australian equivalent International Financial Reporting Standards ("AIFRS") compliance including impairment testing, tax effect accounting, segment reporting
- United Kingdom Accounting Standards, including FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice)
- Binomial Tree & Black Scholes option valuations & accounting for employee share based incentive plans
- Preparation of audit lead schedules and documentary support
- Liaison with auditors